
Cable theft and vandalism leave residents in the dark

Residents of Honeydew are often left without electricity for hours due to vandalism and cable theft

At the slightest bit of rain or thunder, residents in Honeydew Grove already anticipate being in the dark for hours on end. According to Vinay Kalychurn they are constantly plagues by cable theft and vandalism.

“We have outages in excess of two times a week excluding regular load-shedding. The majority of the outages are caused by cable theft, vandalism or old infrastructure that trips very easily. Each time we have a thunderstorm our power trips, or starts becoming irregular and damages our appliances. Sometimes it just trips when it rains.”

Kalychun said technicians from City Power have been in communication and even on site to resolve the issues, “I am sure they are sick and tired of our area. The main issue is cable theft, illegal connections and vandalism.” He said there is an incident of cable theft at least once a week. “City Power comes to remove illegal connections every four to six months but the very next day, the connections are back.”

City Power did not respond to a request for comment on the matter.

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