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Meet Patriotic Alliance Ward 84 candidate, Theo Studdard

Ward 84 comprises of the Roodepoort CBD, Horizon View, Roodepoort North, Discovery, Georginia and parts of Horison and Cresswell Park

Theo Studdard, Patriotic Alliance Ward 84 candidate councillor answers a few question regarding his run in the upcoming local government elections.

Q. What would you do differently to the current ward councillor?
A. As ward councillor I would, where possible, physically engage with members of my community. I would make it my duty to interact with individuals personally getting to know and understand them, serving communities in my ward to make change for the better.

Q. How have you been involved in the community?
A. My level of involvement in the community includes:
– Repairing broken washing lines at an old age home as well as assisting in repairing burnt wiring at a housing complex.
– Distribution and handing out of clothing and canned food to residence at an informal settlement.
– Fundraiser initiatives and toy runs for orphaned children at various homes.
– Donated blanket distribution for the homeless during the winter months.

Q. What past experiences make you uniquely qualified for this role?
I suppose I can provide a long list of my professional experience in managerial and senior managerial roles in my prior corporate career, or even my role as a director but that doesn’t match up to my prior experience as the role of a servant in a church organisation I belonged to. Nothing is more humbling or fulling than serving others to better their lives and the lives of others around you. This role doesn’t require professional qualification necessarily, but calls for someone with a heart to serve others.

Q. What is your vision for your ward?
To see this beautiful place being restored back to its former glory. The place I moved into almost two decades ago being revitalised and turned back into what it once was. Travelling on the smoothest roads this country has seen next to the reddest sand a valley could ever be filled. Saturday morning parks filled with runners and children, a safe place again for all.

Q. How do you feel this vision can be achieved?
A. Communities need to unite and hold those placed in responsible roles as ward councillor accountable. Transparency is key with a strong focus on zero tolerance for corruption.

Q. How does your party mirror your personal beliefs?
A. By putting God first in everything we do, I believe that bringing God back into schools will restore the moral decay which has been perpetuated with impunity for more than two decades now. Our future leaders require the basis of religious fundamentals which has worked for every generation during my time and even long before me. The absence of God in our schools is mere proof of a system which does not work.

Q. Tell the residents of your ward why they should vote for you.
A. Like every other individual in this ward I too share in a vested interest in the community I reside in. I commit to be the voice for those who cannot speak and going above and beyond the call of duty. I promise to leave a single stone unturned.

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