Zandspruit mob justice suspects arrested

Gauteng Police spokesperson, Captain Kay Makhubela confirmed the arrest of the three suspects and that the investigation was ongoing.

On Thursday, 20 May the Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Community Safety welcomed the arrest of three suspects who have been charged with murder and attempted murder following an alleged mob attack on nine people in Zandspruit on Wednesday, 19 May.

The violent attack by a vigilante group in Zandspruit resulted in the death of six people while the other three remain in a critical condition in hospital.

Read initial article here: Nine suspected criminals set on fire in Zandspruit

The Committee applauded the work done by law-enforcement officers which led to the arrest of the three suspects, and call on community members of Zandspruit to work closely with the police to ensure those who were involved were brought to book.

Gauteng Police spokesperson, Captain Kay Makhubela confirmed the arrest of the three suspects and that the investigation was ongoing.

According to the Committee, the actions of the officers demonstrate that community members can still have confidence in law-enforcement agencies and should refrain from taking the law into their hands.

The Committee called on community members to use legitimate, peaceful and constitutional means to fight crime in their communities, instead of resorting to unlawful and senseless behaviour which might result in them being criminally charged and convicted.

In the past the Committee had raised concerns around the high level of crime in the Honeydew Police Station Precinct, but since noted a significant decline in the number of cases.

The Committee called on community members of Zandspruit to intensify all legal efforts to reduce crime in their community and work closely with police in the area.

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