Keep your valuables safe while shopping

Take precautions and keep your valuables safe during your next shopping excursion

It’s very easy to let your guard down around your valuables once you get into a store. Living in South Africa means being tense and on edge whenever you go out, but that feeling fleets when we get inside the shops or malls.

However, customers and especially women are often targeted whilst shopping in grocery stores. The Honeydew CPF is warning residents to be mindful when walking around in any shop. Lynden Cotterelle from the Honeydew CPF said, “Consider where you place your bag and how easy it would be for people to access its contents”.

Some tips to keep in mind: 

– Perpetrators usually work in groups of two or more and often, but not always, they are women.

– They will identify targets and follow them around the store, waiting for an opportunity. Be mindful of who is around you in the shop and if they are following you, especially if they stop to look at items when you stop but don’t take anything.

– It is a good idea to follow a random path around the store to assess if you are being followed. Skip an aisle and then go back. This way you’ll soon know if someone is following you.

– Do not leave your bag in the trolley; keep it on you at all times.

– Check your bag at home with a family member or friend to help assess how easy it would be to grab contents as you walk around.

– A bag that fits snugly under your arm on a short strap, with the zip right in your armpit as you walk around is best.

– A common trick is that one perpetrator will distract you, often by bumping into you or reaching across you to get an item or asking you a question, while the other snatches your valuables.

Remember to carry as little cash as possible and use alternative methods of payment such as internet and cellphone banking.

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