Standing up for one’s rights and beliefs in business

According to Lindiwe the ICC has had to change the way they operate quite considerably and has embarked on virtual events


Business woman, Lindiwe Rakharebe joined the Hirsch’s Entrepreneurs Workshop team for their latest virtual weekly workshop and spoke about the importance of standing up for one’s rights and beliefs in business.

Lindiwe, who has a strong background in banking, shared the platform with hosts, multi award-winning businesswoman and Executive Director of Hirsch’s, Margaret Hirsch, and top business coach Marlene Powell, who is in the top 100 of ActionCOACH globally.

Marketing specialist, Dimakatso Moloantoa. Photo: Supplied.

She is currently the CEO of the Durban international convention centre (ICC), and under her leadership they were voted as the top conference centre in Africa.

The duo are determined to help entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level and these workshops are helping to get them there.

According to Lindiwe the ICC has had to change the way they operate quite considerably and has embarked on virtual events.

“You have to have the fire in you. Your unique selling point is being great at being you. Show people where you come from, keep steady and be ready at all times. Do not let fear motivate you. Find a way forward – there is always a door that will open for you, you just need to keep knocking,” said Lindiwe.

Margaret echoed Lindiwe’s sentiments and explained the importance of staying optimistic, no matter what, and continuously trying to find the bright side of a situation.

Marlene pointed out that uniqueness is vital in business. “You need to have a passion for what you do; it cannot just be about getting rich quick or you won’t succeed. Your business is the vehicle that will keep you going. Keep improving your business skills to stay ahead of the pack,” said Marlene.

Businesswoman, Lindiwe Rakharebe, Photo: Supplied.

Margaret and Marlene can be joined every Friday for a virtual workshop where they will be helping entrepreneurs.

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