The Gateway expert about raising a disabled child

Caregiver Elsie Makgetla is one of the significant ‘mothers’ at The Gateway who ensure that the learners are well-accommodated according to their special needs.

The Gateway Society campus, comprising a school and a village, has been catering for physically and mentally challenged children and adults in the community for almost 50 years.

Since its inception, this institution has raised children into adults through their special-needs programmes, which are spearheaded by the caregivers and teachers who are responsible for the residents on the property.

Caregiver Elsie Makgetla is one of the significant ‘mothers’ at The Gateway who ensure that the learners are well-accommodated according to their special needs.

When asked about how she managed to do her job, she said, “There is no formula around it; each child is different and you have to consider their individual needs when caring for them. They usually require routine, patience and understanding.

“We care for residents with both intellectual and physical disabilities, and both have their challenges, but I think it is more difficult in the case an intellectually challenged child who is unable to communicate verbally,” Elise cited one of the challenges.

However, she continued to explain that as a caregiver in the space that she works in, “You know right from the start that the environment is a difficult one, so I have to prepare myself emotionally that there will be good and bad days,” she said.

When asked about teaching the children, the expert explained, “Intellectually challenged children have to be kept mentally stimulated otherwise they become frustrated, which could lead to behavioural issues. The Gateway has workshops that cater to different levels of mental disabilities. We offer activities that include arts and crafts, sport, baking and gardening. Building puzzles and colouring-in are the favourite activities of most of our residents,” she cited.

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