Nonagenerian wisdom from the ladies of Ons Huis

The multilingual ladies of Ons Huis retirement village have shared their thoughts, hoping to assist the younger generation in times of need.

Advancing years bring with them advanced wisdom and bless those willing to impart it. Advice and guidance are always sought and there is no better source than those who walked the very streets that you do today.

The multilingual ladies of Ons Huis retirement village have shared their thoughts, hoping to assist the younger generation in times of need.

– Mrs Edna Marr, 91, “If you hold on to Jesus Christ and do what He teaches us in the Bible, He will take care of you!”
– Mev Anna Nel, 90, “Sonder God is ons niks. ‘n Mooi deel is vir my afgemeet. Ek is dankbaar vir alles wat die Here vir my gedoen het in my lewe.”
– Mev Bertha Burger, 91 “Bly altyd naby aan jou Skepper”.
– Mev Sue van Wyk, 93, “Pas altyd jou gesondheid mooi op, gee om vir ander en help ander mense sonder om iets terug te verwag”.
– Mev Bettie Cook, 97, “Wees goed vir alle mense”.
– Mrs Norma Stevenson, 96, “Serve God alone and He will renew your strength”.
– Mev S van Eeden, 91, “Dink altyd aan ander mense en wees goed vir jou geliefdes”.
– Mev Thora Heinje, 97, “ Soek die Here in die dae van jou jonkheid, en Hy sal vir jou sorg as jy oud is”.

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