Areas that will be affected by stage 2 loadshedding today

Eskom stated that it expects the constrained power system to last for the rest of the week

City Power has announced that it will implement stage 2 loadshedding from 12pm today, 1 September, as required by Eskom.

Eksom announced earlier today that its power system is severely constrained as a result of multiple unit breakdowns.

Eskom stated that unplanned breakdowns stand at 11 665MW of capacity, adding to the 4 558MW currently out on planned maintenance. Further degeneration of the system may result in the escalation of loadshedding at short notice.

Stage 2 loadshedding is set to continue until 10pm this evening unless advised otherwise by the power utility.

Here are the blocks to be affected by loadshedding:

City Power reminded customers that 30 minutes is added to these times to allow for the process of restoration to take place. As the supply may be restored at any time, customers are urged to treat their electricity supply points as live at all times.

Loadshedding blocks and areas can be viewed on the City Power website.  

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