Motorist traumatised after smash-and-grab at Florida Licensing Station

A motorist who had to pick up someone in that area was left traumatised after falling victim to this crime

The notorious area around the Florida Driver’s Licence and Testing Centre (DLTC) came under the spotlight again after a smash-and-grab incident on Wednesday, 6 May.

A motorist who had to pick up someone in that area was left traumatised after falling victim to this crime.

“I am not from this area, so I did not think anything of it when I had to pick up someone there. I stopped there at 8.45am, and the next thing I knew, the passenger-side window was broken and my handbag, which was on the seat, was grabbed. The thugs ran into the open park opposite the licensing station,” she recounted her ordeal.

She alleged that there was another similar incident the following day. She also urged community members not to go to this area during this time, as the licensing station is not open, and visitors to this area will only put themselves in danger.

The Record contacted Caleb Finn, the councillor for Ward 70, and he said, “When the centre is open I know we have issues outside, but it’s very quiet now that it’s closed.

The centre has been closed for more than a month now; it was closed shortly before the national lockdown began.”

The Florida Police’s spokesperson was also contacted for comment, and as soon as a response is received, a follow-up article will be published.

A pamphlet the Florida Police distributed previously contained the following tips for motorists when at smash-and-grab hot spots:

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