Witpoortjie shoppers’ safety prioritised

Trolleys and handbaskets are cleaned daily at Pick n Pay Witpoortjie as a standard practice.

Pick n Pay Witpoortjie management has taken steps to ensure their customers and staff are protected when visiting the store during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Steve Temkin, the manager of the store said, ”Trolleys and handbaskets are also sanitized and wiped clean with prescribed sanitizer before given to clientele to use. However, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have taken it a step further by having them steam-cleaned at high pressure at a temperature of 135 degrees by a professional company as well.”

He explained that at these high temperatures most bacteria and viruses, including Covid-19 are destroyed.
Steve said that they have also adopted the practice of allowing pensioners and the disabled to enter the shop without having to wait in the queue.

“Every Wednesday morning, pensioners are allowed to shop between 7am and 9am. These two hours have been allocated for pensioners only, thereby allowing for a safer and pleasant environment to shop in,” he said. He also reminded pensioners that they must have their identity document or pensioner’s card with them to qualify for this special shopping opportunity.

He concluded by saying, “Our lockdown trading hours are Monday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm”.


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