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The ‘updated’ school calendar that has been circulating is fake

The Department of Basic Education's (DBE's) spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga, has confirmed that the updated school calendar that is currently circulating is fake.

School term dates and school holidays for the rest of the year will be changing due to the early and extended holidays necessitated by the Coronavirus outbreak.

A calendar detailing the alleged updated school terms has been circling on social media and WhatsApp groups recently, but residents are asked to ignore it. The Department of Basic Education’s (DBE’s) spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga, has confirmed that this calendar is fake.

Fake school calendar. Photo: Supplied.

According to Mhlanga, a meeting was held this morning, 19 March, to draft an updated school calendar, but the proposed calendar has not yet been approved.

The DBE will be releasing the new calendar once it has been approved but until then, residents are asked to ignore the one being sent around.

The Record will post the approved, updated calendar once it has been released.


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