A successful crime-awareness day in Little Falls

It’s a partnership between the police and residents to help make police aware of pressing crime issues, and acts as a platform for residents to be able to hold SAPS accountable for action.

Saturday, 7 March saw community members visiting The Falls Pick n Pay in support of the crime-awareness day hosted by Honeydew Sector 3 Community Policing Forum (CPF).

Present on the day together with the CPF were the Honeydew CPF Victim Support and all crime role players such as the Florida Fire Department, Honeydew SAPS, Reservists and Mounted Units.

The CPF is run and attended by members of numerous residents associations (RA) such as the Honeydew RA, Radiokop and Little Falls, to name but a few.

These RAs organise regular monthly meetings to help escalate crime and by-law related issues with the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD).

“It’s a partnership between the police and residents to help make police aware of pressing crime issues, and acts as a platform for residents to be able to hold SAPS accountable for action.

“As part of the partnership SAPS and JMPD also require residents to follow due process and report crime so they can be more effective and plan operations in crime hot spots,” said Honeydew Sector 3 CPF Secretary Carolyn Lanzillotti.

The children who were present at the event enjoyed feeding and climbing onto the horses of the SAPS Mounted Unit.

“A special thanks to Colonel Theunissen and members of the Honeydew Police Reservists – Captain Heres and members. Thanks to all the security companies that attended to help create awareness,” concluded Nicus Durieux from the CPF.

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