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Florida Toastmasters love their club

Toastmasters express their passion for public speaking and their club.

In the usual Toastmasters tradition, meeting #998 of the Florida Toastmasters was called to order by the club’s president, Robert de Kramer.

The Florida Toastmasters are getting closer and closer to their 1 000th meeting and they couldn’t be more excited, which is probably why Tim Knights was so enthusiastic when describing the club’s values, and why Victor Chewe’s Toast to Toastmasters International was actually to his resident club.

During the Educational Session, which followed a brief Business Session, Douglas Kruger (who returned to the club after a hiatus that lasted a few years) taught the Toastmasters about how to structure a speech; the perfect lesson for public speakers. Douglas continued to describe how he joined Toastmasters nearly 21 years ago.

The next speech was presented by Kevin Naicker who gave some handy tips about golfing on the Crown Mines Golf Course when it is covered in frost.

Roger de Kramer then took to the lectern to deliver his speech entitled, ‘To diet is to die with a T’. In his speech he covered the scientific aspects of healthy eating and how your blood type can determine what you should eat, and how you should exercise.

Tim was then welcomed back to introduce the Table Topics Master for the evening, Dawn Hemming. During their Valentine’s Day themed meeting, the impromptu speakers covered topics relating to love and passion.

Chris Ntlama kept it simple yet surprisingly provocative with his speech and Diana Rodrigues spoke about staying authentic and delivering a speech with love.

Desire Chefor spoke about the key elements in a great speech which, in his opinion, are engaging with the audience by speaking about relevant and heartfelt topics.

The Florida Toastmasters finished off their dynamic meeting with the awards. Kevin took home the trophy for Best Prepared Speech, Robert won Best Evaluator, and Desire aced the cup for Best Impromptu Speech.

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