Don’t miss the first FSRA meeting

Residents in the southern part of Florida are urged to attend the first meeting of the Florida South Residents Association.

Florida is very adept in the way they use their residents associations, block watches, and community policing forums to patrol their area and do their best to make it safe. However, sometimes the community outreaches tend to be more towards the northern side of the area and the southern side tends to get forgotten.

That is why, on Wednesday, 26 February, an introductory meeting will be held with the purpose of establishing a residents association for Florida South.

The first meeting of the Florida South Residents Association will be held at the Dragon Boat Club, Florida Lake from 7.30pm. Rodney Churchyard, one of the key members in starting this association would like to remind residents that membership in a neighbourhood association is voluntary, but beneficial. These associations are designed to create a platform for residents to foster a sense of community in the area they live in.

Being a part of a residents association allows community members to communicate more effectively with City officials and therefore means a better chance at a safer, cleaner, well-maintained neighbourhood.

The Florida South Residents Association will be catering for volunteers from within the boundaries of Albertina Sisulu Road, Westlake Road, Ruth Street, and Donovan McDonald Retirement Centre. Any resident or property owner within these borders will be able to participate and make their voice heard when it comes to the issues directly affecting them.

Residents who live within these borders and have issues they would like to solve, or those who would like to help their community become the best it can be, are urged to attend the meeting.

“I hope you will come to meet your neighbours and to learn how, by working together, we can ensure that Florida South is a neighbourhood that is clean, safe, friendly, and a place where all of us want to live,” said Rodney,

For more information, or for any enquiries, please WhatsApp Rodney on 082 700 9454.

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