Be smart, and stay safe during the New Year

Know how to stay safe in the busy New Year

The festive season is the busiest and most dangerous time for all. People are constantly looking over their shoulders, trying to avoid the possibility of becoming a victim of crime.

New year is also a time everyone enjoys spending with friends and family, especially on New Year’s Eve, with the tradition of going out with your friends to celebrate the coming of the new year.

Here are some tips on how to stay safe during the busiest time of the year:

• A small group is an easy target. Try to avoid walking alone – the bigger the group, the harder it is to be a target.

• Have eyes like a hawk. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Knowing what is going on around you will enable you to spot strange behaviour.

• Personal belongings need to be kept close by, or on you at all times.

• Don’t take candy from strangers. The first safety rule that is taught to us from a young age is still one of the most important.

• Do not enter high crime areas during the festive season.

• Make sure that a friend or family member knows your every move. It is important that someone knows where you are at all times, for if something happens there is someone who knows where to start the search.

• Never leave your beverage unattended, because it can be easily spiked.

• Drink responsibly. If you are planning on drinking, try to arrange a ride home in advance. This ensures your safety on the road, as well as that of others.

• Make sure you prepare yourself for police checkpoints. Always have proof of ID, and if you are driving, carry your driver’s licence.

• Be aware of people that are becoming intoxicated and acting out of character.


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