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How to celebrate Boxing Day

The the exact origin of the name is not entirely clear.

One day after Christmas, the world will celebrate Boxing Day which is also a public holiday.

Day of Goodwill, previously known as Boxing Day, was renamed to remove its connections to South Africa’s colonial past, and to be inclusive of all South Africans. The day is now meant for the sharing of festive cheer and goodwill among all people.

The exact origin of the name is not entirely clear, but it’s believed to refer to the Christmas Boxes that were given to servants, tradesmen, and the poor by employers and the wealthy in the past, on the day after Christmas.

The day allows many people to give back to society after the Christmas holiday.

Things to do on Boxing Day:

• Visit family

• Spend time with friends

• Go on an outing

• Volunteer at an organisation

Enjoy this iconic day, and make it memorable as it only happens once a year.

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