
Use these tips not to become a crime statistic

Take note of these valuable crime-preventing tips.


With crime never settling but sadly ever increasing, local security company, BCI Security provided general tips to avoid becoming a crime statistic.

• Never walk around alone and don’t talk to strangers. Be on the lookout for unfamiliar people and cars. Use the live location function on your phone if you are being followed.

• Walk in well-lit busy streets and in groups, if possible.

• Make sure your home is secure and employ an armed response service. Make sure you have all emergency numbers at hand.

• Always let someone know when you are going out and how long you expect to be gone. However, one should think twice before advertising one’s impending absence on social media as criminals also have access to Facebook and Twitter.

• Know all emergency numbers.

• Trust your instincts.

• Avoid crowded places where one can easily fall victim to pickpockets.

• Avoid displaying valuables where criminals can see them.

Please report any suspicious activities to BCI Security Control on 0607 773 773.

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