‘Nyaope gang’ arrest and release explained by police

The suspects had to be released because police could not link them to any of the crimes reported, Masedi, spokesperson for Muldersdrift Police Station indicated.


Spokesperson for Muldersdrift Police Station, Warrant Officer Masedi Masedi, has set the record straight about an alleged ‘Nyaope gang’ that has been accused of terrorising the Muldersdrift area.

The gang, which according to Masedi compromises youngsters, some of whom are still in school, has been accused of a number of criminal incidents in the area, such as armed and house robberies; attempted murder, assault and theft, to list a few.

On 5 October, the community caused a brouhaha on social media after the gang was apprehended by local security along with the Police Trio Task Team, and released the next day.

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The residents were up in arms following their release, even threatening to organise an ID parade in order to keep the suspects behind bars.

In a report by the Krugersdorp News, Drift Reaction, a local security company, stated that the gang members have been terrorising residents of Clinic, Riverside and Driefontein Roads, and are believed to responsible for various crimes.


Jacques Treptow, the owner of Drift Reaction, told the Krugersdorp News that the situation had reached the point where a crime was committed in this area every night. “It was so bad that we had to send a squad car to that section of Muldersdrift every night to ensure the safety of the people,” Treptow said.

Treptow added, “One night we responded just in time, as the gang was about to rape a woman. They were already on top of her, choking her and undressing her.”

People living in the area have already started moving to other areas because they fear for their lives, according to the Krugersdorp News report.

Johan Nel, chairman of the Muldersdrift Community Police Forum (CPF) weighed in, saying, “Some three months ago, a couple of members of the same gang were arrested and released because the members of the community affected by the crimes were scared to come forward, fearing that they would be victimised.”

Masedi responded to the issue, saying he does not know where the name ‘Nyaope gang’ came from because the accused are youngsters, one (18) in school and the other (24) pursuing a musical career.“They were arrested for possession of stolen items,” he confirmed.

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Masedi added that the suspects had to be released because police could not link them to any of the crimes reported. Items such as a tablet, smartphone and jewellery were reportedly recovered from the suspects during their arrests. However, Masedi indicated that the tablet belonged to the school. “We confirmed with the school that the tablet was its property, not stolen,” he explained.

When asked if police would keep an eye on the alleged gang, Masedi said, “We can’t be keeping an eye on them. There are so many robberies happening in this area. Therefore, we will be keeping an eye on every criminal activity perpetrated around here”.

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The tablet which was confiscated by authority from the ‘Nyaope gang’ but given back to the owner after it was established that it was part of of the learner equipment belonging to the school attended by one of the suspects. Photo: Supplied.
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