National Race Your Mouse around the Icons Day

Participate in this silly game on #NationalRaceYourMouseAroundtheIconsDay

Would you describe an annual day named ‘Race Your Mouse around the Icons Day’ as silly, or amusing, or maybe both? Whichever word you choose, let’s participate in this day which is observed annually on 28 August.

Truth be told, we do this quite often without even realising it. Just think about it. How many times have clicked your mouse or moved your cursor when the computer seemed slow? Yes, you know you have done it before, and, without really wanting to, have participated in this annual day’s celebrations.

National Race Your Mouse Day is a copyrighted holiday created by, and the purpose of this day is to provide people with an opportunity to play with the mouse and cursor. In essence it actually authorises everyone to show their impatience while busy working or playing on the computer.

If you are a professional at racing your mouse around the icons, you get to observe this wacky holiday every day, but, for those of you who are not so familiar with doing this, here are some tips on how to celebrate today:

– Check whether your mouse needs to be replaced or upgraded, and make sure it’s clean.

– Clean your mouse pad, or get a new one.

– If you are in a cleaning mood, clean your whole computer.

– Check for new games on the internet or play some online games.

– Spend the whole day on the internet, doing research on numerous subjects.

– While working on the computer, eat crackers or drink coffee. Remember to be careful!

– You can post funny e-cards or postings on Facebook to help create awareness for this funny holiday.

– You can even write an article on other ways to celebrate this event and post it on the web.

Post on social media using #NationalRaceYourMouseAroundtheIconsDay.

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