Dedicated police woman gets recognised a second time

HONEYDEW – Goodwill Shield recipient receives a meal voucher from Honeydew CPF

The Honeydew Police Forum has once again honoured a police officer with the Goodwill Shield for her hard work and dedication in the fraternity.

Sergeant Omphile Segeri, who works as a detective at Honeydew Police Station, was recognised by the CPF for her outstanding work.

She has been in service for 12 years.

Segeri received a meal voucher sponsored by Pizza del Forno in Featherbrooke Village which was handed over by Jon Rosenberg, the CPF spokesperson.

It was not her first time clinching the status. Segeri said she was also honoured in 2009 when she worked at the community services department.

“I knew I deserved it and this is the second time now,” she said, adding that her passion and commitment have played a huge role in her career and achievements.

“I’ve been a detective for 10 months. I got [promoted] from community services. The most important thing was to ask God to lead the path of my work,” Segeri confessed.

Rosenberg and Captain Remi Motaung commended Segeri.

“The CPF would like to congratulate Segeri for her outstanding work ethic [which will] hopefully act [as] an example to others at the station,” said Rosenberg.

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