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EVICTION UPDATE: Officials meet to discuss residents’ concerns

HONEYDEW RIDGE – Members of the community and City officials met on 18 March to discuss the relocation of evicted persons to Hans Street and Hoeveld Road.

Residents of Hans Street and Hoeveld Road are concerned that the recent Magnum Road evictions have permanently relocated closer to their homes.

After the eviction of 250 informal dwellings on 14 March, the evicted people were meant to be relocated to Ruimsig Stadium for a maximum period of two days so the mayoral committee member of housing,  councillor Mzobanzi Ntuli, could resolve alternative accommodation.

However, without the MMC or ward councillor’s knowledge the province relocated the evicted people to a temporary tent on 17 March on the corner of Hans Street and Hoeveld Road, which is provincial land.

Ward 97 councillor, Leah Knott, had explained, “Disaster Management brought tents and Social Development supplied food but occupiers were not willing to discuss any land besides that belonging to province which is earmarked for another purpose.

Province refused the use of this land and the current state of the property is not conducive for habitation. Housing located City of Joburg land in Laser Park 2km away but they were not willing to discuss this option.

The stadium was offered by the MMC of Community Development, Councillor Nonhlanhla Sifumba, as a temporary option on 15 March but was declined. The MMC of Housing is not willing to negotiate any further on the matter at this stage.”

Residents became concerned that the recently evicted people had found a new home on their doorstep.

Knott met with provincial Disaster management  and representatives of the community on 18 March about the residents’ concerns and the current happenings on Hans and Hoeveld.

Knott said, “In terms of province there was a lack of research, a lack of communication to the city including the MMC of Housing and the ward councillor and a lack of public participation which could have far reaching consequences for the Johannesburg municipality.”

The land itself is landlocked by private land and is partially a road reserve which is earmarked for the PWV5 (road network) and the metro boulevard.

They are essentially usurping the functions of the municipality under the auspices of a disaster situation when the City had provided alternative accommodation and were in the process of readying land for relocation.

A process has been followed now that even two years ago the province and the city administration at that time were not willing to do. This current process is not a permanent solution for these people and is being done at their expense.

The housing department will continue with the process of finalising the land they had earmarked for relocation (City of Joburg owned land in Laser Park) and will continue with the affordable housing project intended for Ruimsig residents as a sustainable option which will improve the quality of life of these community members.”

At the meeting, Dr Elias Sithole, head of disaster management for the province agreed to include all stakeholders in their next meeting on 20 March.

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