Graphic photos: Baby’s feet allegedly burned on stove by domestic worker

Baby needs psychological therapy.

A Whiteridge family has a dire warning for other parents. They have been going through hell since their domestic worker allegedly burned their baby daughter’s feet on the stove.

Last year the 39-year-old employer heard about the domestic worker in question through one of her neighbour’s domestic workers. She was told that the woman was a good housekeeper and good with children. At first she was apprehensive but due to circumstances she decided to employ her. At first nothing seemed out of sorts. She paid her a handsome salary (R3 000), bought her groceries and expensive perfumes, and lent her money when she needed it. She was upset though when she caught her sleeping on the job twice, but let it slide. Numerous times her employee told her she loved their 14-month-old baby and that she was coping well with looking after the baby.

On 22 December, while at work, the employer received a call from the domestic worker. “You must come quickly. Something is wrong with the baby’s feet,” she said. She rushed home and found the baby crying hysterically. She had severe blisters underneath her feet. She asked the domestic worker what had happened, who replied that she did not know and “just found her like that”.

The mother rushed her baby to the local Medicross. The doctor immediately said the burns were either from hot tar (there is none on the family’s property) or a stove. On returning she repeatedly asked the domestic worker what had happened, but she stuck to her story. She then left and never returned. The mother opened a case of child abuse at Sophiatown Police Station.

The baby’s burned feet shortly after the incident. (Photos: Supplied)

The very next day her neighbour approached her for the first time. “He wanted to know whether my baby was alright. I was surprised and asked him why. He then told me that for the past seven months he heard her screams every day. He said it sounded like someone was hurting her. I then realised that it has been going on since she started working for us,” said the mother. “In hindsight I also realised that in her own little way my baby was trying to tell me what was going on behind our backs. Every time she saw the woman she would scream hysterically. I thought she just had a bad case of separation anxiety,” she said.

“The bandages were removed from her feet yesterday (16 January), but our baby can hardly sleep, screams for hours on end and has behavioural problems. Shortly after the incident my mother looked after her for a few days and discovered that her throat was also burned. My family and I are severely traumatised. Our baby needs to get psychological therapy and the paediatrician is considering putting her on a mild tranquilliser,” said the heart-broken mother.

“I beg parents to be careful when they decide with whom to leave their children. Do proper background checks and get more than one reference. But even then, rather leave your child in the care of reputable professionals. I blame myself every day,” the mother concluded.

The domestic worker is currently wanted by the police.

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Elderly couple robbed and burned by domestic worker

Social media causes uproar over domestic worker

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