Dumping on plots must stop

LASER PARK - Ward councilor, Leah Knott gathers City officials for advise on illegal dumping.

Ward 97 councillor, Leah Knott, recently led City officials to an illegal dumping spot on Johan Road.

Knott said, “The dumping spot came to my attention when the dumped building material was overflowing onto the road. The plot is [sometimes] closed off, so when individuals cannot dump on the land, they will dump on the roadside.”

In order for action to take place, the deed for the land needs to be uncovered to determine whether or not the land is privately owned or owned by the City, however, this has proven difficult.

Ward councilor Leah Knott speaks to City officials about issues in her ward.

Superintendent Wandile Mrubata of Metro police said, “Ninety-nine per cent of the time you will find that someone is making money by allowing individuals to dump on the land.”

Knott encouraged residents to send photographs of vehicles which were illegally dumping rubbish or building material to the City so action could be taken.

“A lot of residents are pro-development but those that aren’t, want the open pieces of land cordoned or fenced off to stop dumping,” added Knott.

Mayoral committee Member of the Mayoral Committee for Environment and Infrastructure Services, Anthony Still said that he is happy to arrange a project for refuse collection from the plots along Beyers Naude Drive which would then be taken to a collection point for Pikitup to dispose of.

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