Graphic photos: Father brutally attacked during attempted robbery

Father attacked with panga

One of seven family members was attacked with a panga during an attempted armed robbery early this morning on Estelle Street in Roodekrans.

Jan Botha, 71, and his wife Susan, 66, their son Gert, 40, and his wife Colleen, 35, as well as their two daughters of four and 18 months respectively and Jan’s daughter Talita, were sleeping when the incident took place at about 4am. An unknown number of suspects broke the large window in Gert and his wife’s room. Gert jumped up to get a sword from a cupboard in the room but it was already too late. One of the suspects attacked him with what was believed to be a panga. His wife’s screams woke up the rest of the family and the suspects fled.

Gert’s head and wrist were cleaved open, and according to his father three of his fingers “look very bad”.

Gert was taken to Krugersdorp Private Hospital and is currently in the intensive care unit (ICU).

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