Beloved book shop robbed

Suspect was unarmed.

On 31 October, just before noon, a favourite destination of book lovers in and around Witpoortjie, Nita’s Second Hand Book Store, fell prey to a robbery.

According to owner Nita Swart, she and her assistant, Melissa Valayatham, were busy in the shop when a well-dressed man, estimated to be in his late thirties walked in. Valayatham left the store shortly after, but the man browsed for a while and then asked Swart about a specific book. As she was about to help him, he pushed her to the back of the store. Wanting to avoid harm she stayed put in the back while he took the cash takings for the day, her brand-new cellphone and her bank cards.

Swart said she was unsure whether he was armed or not, but he produced no weapon. “My human rights and dignity feel violated,” she said.

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