Beware: New ingenious scam surfaces

Do not walk out alone.

A new clever scam has reared its ugly head.

The criminals will attend wedding parties or other public gatherings and then approach the master of ceremonies (MC) to make an announcement about a particular car with a certain registration blocking them or that its lights are on. When the owner goes out to move the vehicle or switch off the lights, the armed criminals will be waiting at the vehicle. The owner will obviously have the vehicle’s keys with him/ her, which the criminals can then take to steal the vehicle.

If your registration number is announced at an event, do the following:

• Take your time before going out.

• Do not go out alone, go out in a company of at least two or more people.

• Do not go directly to where the vehicle is parked. Confirm from a distance if you are really blocking another vehicle or whether your lights are on.

• Watch your surroundings carefully before approaching the vehicle.

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