Update: Provincial Police structures tardy to comment on alleged police brutality

Emails remain unanswered.

The Provincial Police structure’s media centre has yet to comment on serious allegations by Davidsonville resident Sean Daniels who claimed he was assaulted by five police members and two security guards at Davidsonville Clinic.

Daniels claimed that he refused to leave the clinic on 14 September unless he received his blood pressure medicine. The incident was the culmination of a history of animosity between him and the operations manager. When he refused to leave she called the police. He tried to explain his situation to the five officers but they allegedly refused to listen to him and along with two security reaction officers started manhandling him and threw him to the ground. He also claims he was wrongfully arrested.

On both 19 and 20 September the Record tried to get comment from the Provincial Police’s media centre because the allegations were against police members, in which case the station in question can not comment on its own members. By 22 September the Record has still not received a reply or an acknowledgement of receipt. Yesterday, 21 September the Record directed a request for comment to Lieutenant Kay Makhubela, one of the province’s spokespersons. He still has the opportunity to respond since the press has to allow a person a fair amount of time in which to do so. In Makhubela’s case two day would be fair.

Although it allegedly is not protocol to ask the Roodepoort Police Station for comment on alleged misconduct by its members, the Record today (22 September) has nonetheless also forwarded the request for comment to station commander Brigadier Kupiso.

Also Read:

Nightmare experience at clinic

Terrible service at Roodepoort clinic

Mashaba: Clinics will be open 24/7

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