Waste not, want not.

Read here for some water-saving tips

Ever thought what you would do if you turned on a tap and nothing happened – not even a drop of water comes out?

This scenario is becoming more of a reality as the level of the Vaal Dam has dipped to below 36 per cent because of the the lack of rainfall in Gauteng.

Kgamanyane Mphologela, the spokesperson for Joburg Water said, “With the continuing high water usage we have to find ways to introduce measures to control consumption.”

“With the continuing high water usage we have to find ways to introduce measures to control consumption.”

The Vaal Dam is the biggest source of water for the Gauteng water system. The combined levels of the dams in Gauteng are 84 per cent, four per cent less than the same time last year.

If the Vaal Dam’s level drops below 30 per cent, the Sterkfontein Dam would be used as an emergency supply. As of 19 August, the Sterkfontein Dam was 89 and a half per cent full.

In light of this situation, the City of Joburg’s municipality has reintroduced Level 2 water restrictions. These restrictions were approved in the Government Gazette of 12 August and residents are urged to adhere to them.

Residents should also take note of a change in the time for not irrigating gardens. It used to be from 6am to 6pm but has been changed to between 8am and 4pm.

The Joburg Water (JW) website gives the following reasons for using water efficiently:

– It reduces your water bill

– Your tariffs will be lower if the cost of maintenance and purification of dams is reduced

– Water will be made available for our increasing population, enabling JW and the government to supply water to those who might not have a reliable supply

– A continuous and uninterrupted water supply for the future will be assured

To assist with their #SaveWater campaign, JW urges residents to use the following water-saving tips to conserve water without necessarily changing their lifestyle.

Tips for indoor water usage:

– Convert to a dual-flush toilet.

– Adjust the water level of the dishwasher and washing machine to suit the size of the load

– Install water-saving shower-heads and flow restrictors

– Take short showers. If you feel like a long soak, rather take a bath

– Leaking or dripping taps should be repaired immediately

– When brushing your teeth, keep the taps closed

– Buy water-efficient devices such as small shower-heads

Tips for outdoor water usage:

– Don’t water your garden on windy days, as the water will be blown away and more will be used

– Try to water your garden in the early morning or late afternoon

– Keep your garden free of weeds as they also use water

– Use a timer on the tap when sprinkling

– In garden beds, a drip system or micro-sprays should be installed

– Use a trigger nozzle on your garden hose

– Soak your garden twice a week and be sure to water the roots and not the leaves

– To clean your driveway or sidewalk use a broom instead of the hose.

– Using a bucket, wash your car on the lawn

– To avoid evaporation on hot days, cover your pool. Keep it covered during the winter season as well.

– Indigenous plants and trees should be planted as they require less water

– Harvest rainwater for garden use

– In high water table areas, such as Midrand, you can use ground water

Using these tips means that water consumption could be lowered significantly, thus making the implementation of Level 3 water restrictions unnecessary.

Be wise, #SaveWater.

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