Embrace your Geekness

Time to celebrate a day just for geeks

Being a geek used to be a bad thing, but not anymore. Now geeks have their very own day called, Embrace Your Geekness Day, and we celebrate it today.

According to freedictionary.com, a geek is someone who is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about a particular subject. They are typically the people made fun of and bullied in old high school movies and are stereotypically portrayed as wearing glasses and braces as well as having a poor fashion sense. They are generally uncool and socially inept.

These days being a geek can be considered very cool. Many geeks have social lives, with friend circles which include those who have similar tastes as them as well as those who were traditionally considered popular i.e. the “cool kids”.

Here are some common types of geeks according to wildammo.com:

1. Music Geek: knows all there is to know about the music industry, genres, artists and producers. This geek also finds joy in collecting vinyls (records), frequenting concerts and bars where they play live music. He/she always has headphones on.

2. Gamer Geek: plays video games all day every day, has a firm stance on X-Box vs Playstation and collects vintage and new video games. He/she is always the first to know about new gaming technology.

3. Gadget Geek: knows about or has all the latest gadgets and knows exactly how they work. He/she is never seen without an electronic device, subscribes to technology magazines and has a firm stance on Apple vs. Android.

4. Star Wars Geek: has watched all the Star Wars movies so many times, he/she has memorized the dialogue. With the need to be a Jedi, he/she engages in cosplay (dressing up in the costumes of characters from the movie). He/she is also at war with Star Trek geeks.

5. Chic Geek: He/she wears glasses for fashion, paired brogues with shorts before it was cool, wears a backpack, is always reading and knows the chefs of top restaurants by name.

6. Comic Book Geek: knows the entire history and mythology of Marvel and DC universes, collects vintage and new comic books and action figures and can accurately predict the outcome of any hypothetical battle between any two superheroes.

7. Pop Culture Geek: the first to know about celebrity gossip and aspirant star of reality television. He/she also knows the entire history of the Kardashian dynasty.

There are many other types of geeks, all with a wide knowledge base with their area of interest. Some of these are film geeks, sports geeks and internet geeks.

And of course there is the the geek to rule them all. An Ubergeek which is closest to the stereotypical geek and often belongs to more than one Geek Group. He/she is super smart, speaks many languages and knows html coding.

What type of geek are you?

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