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Increase in housebreakings: Tips to stay safe

WELTEVREDEN PARK - Honeydew Police provides tips after recent housebreakings in the area.

Two confirmed cases of housebreakings were confirmed on 22 June in the Weltevreden Park area by Honeydew Police spokesperson, Warrant Officer, Karen Jacobs.

The first happened in Besembos Street. “A case of housebreaking and theft was opened. It is alleged that the complainant went to sleep at about 11pm on 22 June. He woke up the next morning to discover that his house was broken into,” said WO Jacobs. She confirmed that electrical equipment, a laptop and chargers were taken from the house.

The second case happened at about 7.15am in Bind Street on the same day. “A case of housebreaking and theft was opened, it is alleged that the owners left their premises at about 7.15am and when they arrived home that evening, they discovered their gate motor stolen and the gate slightly open,” said WO Jacobs. Electrical equipment were taken from the house. No arrests have been met yet.

According to WO Jacobs, housebreaking and theft has seen an increase in the Allen’s Nek and Weltevreden Park areas. “The suspects mainly gain entrance through forcing open sliding doors or via open windows,” said WO Jacobs. She added that the incidents occur at all times of the day.

WO Jacobs provided tips to keep safe.

• Make sure your doors and windows are always close and locked

• Thorny rose bushes under windows will make thieves think twice before going in that way

• Also, keep your bushes and hedges trimmed and make sure your yard is well-lit during the night

• Be crime prevention aware at all times especially at night and during the early morning hours. Remove all keys from the doors and gates

• If you have sliding doors ensure that you install extra locks or ‘dead’ bolts, as well as security gates, so that it makes it more difficult to gain access through these doors.

Details: Honeydew Police Station, 011 801 8400.

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