Camp out with Dios Los Ninos

WILGEHEUWEL – Dios Los Ninos shares their camp experience.

Dios Los Ninos (DLN) embarked on their yearly school camp out, which was held at the Grootvlei Leadership, Life Skills and Sport Centre camp site in the Hammanskraal area for three days this year.

“The pupils had an amazing time and came back with their mind filled with memories of fun, fun and more fun. Learning doesn’t always need to take place in the classroom and having good old fashion fun is the best example of this,” said principal, Leonie de Kock.

This year the option of going on the camp was opened to all the pupils, as previously only the higher grades were allowed to go. Even Grade 0 pupils attended the camp.

“It is the most amazing experience as an educator to experience how pupils function outside of the classroom. The bonds they create on camp are the kind that can never be broken again. They love going and it is the highlight of their year, but to be honest think I enjoy it even more than them. No words can describe what we as educators get to see and experience on a weekend like this,” added De Kock.

“We had two brilliant facilitators at Grootvlei that did amazing work with our pupils. Without them camp would not have been the same. They simple understood the minds of children and made sure our pupils had an incredible time,” De Kock explained.

Team building is a big part of the camp experience. The pupils were placed in situations they are unfamiliar with and their true personality came forward when they had to adapt to the situation. The pupil’s days were filled with activities such as swimming, war cries, problem solving, mud activities, water activities, dancing, obstacle courses, art and craft activities, as well as story telling.

“This is something that will stay part of the tradition at DLN as every child deserves a camp like ours,” exclaimed De Kock.

Details: Dios Los Ninos, 083 394 3511 or 078 176 2590.

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