Power smoothies help curb colds and flu

JOBURG – Rooibos smoothies are a great way to strengthen your immune system during the winter season.

There are some useful ways to boost your immune system this winter season. One useful way to keep common colds away is to make delicious antioxidant rooibos smoothies.

South African rooibos council spokesperson Ernest du Toit said that the tea has anti–inflammatory, antiviral and antimutagenic qualities which are organic chemicals that are known for their antioxidant capabilities, which have been confirmed by scientists in South Africa and internationally.

“Polyphenols act as scavengers of free radicals throughout the body, which are detrimental by-products of cell metabolism that can cause a host of ailments. Aspalathin and Nothofagin are two other vital antioxidants that rooibos tea contains, making it a great beverage to boost your immune system and protect your body against all types of diseases and conditions,” said Du Toit.

Prevention is key so be sure to boost those immune fighting soldiers with any one or a combination of these enjoyable eight rooibos power smoothies. The following were created by the Rooibos Council:

Rooibos, strawberry and orange smoothie (serves one)



Rooibos, youngberry and banana smoothie (serves one)


Green rooibos smoothie (serves one)



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