Crime does not discriminate

HONEYDEW – Honeydew SAPS spreads crime awareness in the wake of recent events.

Due to the recent incidents in the Roodepoort area, Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs of the Honeydew SAPS spoke to the Caxton North West branch on crime awareness.

The tips shared do not only apply to journalists but others in a career that involves meeting people on the road. Jacobs’ main message was to trust your gut feeling about a situation. “Crime can happen to anyone at any time as criminals are opportunists and we need to minimise their opportunities,” WO Jacobs said.

Other advice included carrying a small bag with only the most necessary items when going into an area you are not unsure of, as that minimises the risk of someone snatching items off your person. Small change, car keys and a cellphone outline the necessary items.

In the instance where your cellphone is taken, you should always have a piece of paper with an emergency number in your bag or have the number memorised. Your office should have a list of every employee’s details, including the licence plate number and description of the employee’s car, and a photo to identify the employee.

Jacobs explained to always know where you are, the house number, street name and area so emergency services can respond accurately.

Even if you have worked with a person before, Jacobs said you should never let your guard down. “Meet in a public area, leave the meeting after them and check if anyone follows you.

“A suspect can be anyone,” Jacobs added, “Do not have tunnel vision and drive from home to work and not even know what street you are driving on,” Jacobs continued.

If you find yourself in a situation that turns or is turning bad, according to Jacobs, the best thing is to remain calm. Try to make an excuse to leave or say you have to confirm your next appointment while you contact a colleague. There are downloadable applications available on your cellphone that can send a distress call, such a VithU for Android, Distress Button for Windows and Silent Beacon for iPhone.

Details: Honeydew SAPS, 011 801 8400.

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