Glocell robbed at gunpoint

CONSTANTIA KLOOF – Glocell in Town Square was targeted by three suspects for expensive cellphones.

The Glocell store in Town Square at Constantia Shopping Centre was robbed in broad daylight on 9 June.

Willie Rheeder, an audiologist at Healthy Hearing, a neighbouring store in Town Square, saw the incident while he was taking a smoke break outside his store.

Rheeder explained it was around 11am when he saw two armed men run out of Glocell and jump into a white vehicle. Rheeder made his way over to Glocell and saw that the shop assistants had been tied up and the store had been robbed. He was also told that the criminals had assaulted an old woman that was in the store at the time.

“It all happened so quickly. I did not see what car it was but I know it was white,” said Rheeder, “The men were well dressed and in their thirties.”

Rheeder confirmed that it took the police over an hour to arrive on the scene.

A Glocell shop assistant, who wished to remain anonymous, said the men targeted the most expensive cellphones such as the iPhones and newest Samsung phones. The men carried a 9mm firearm and what looked like a revolver. They had pulled their guns out shortly after entering the store and shouted for the employees to get to the back of the store.

Honeydew SAPS Warrant Officer, Karen Jacobs confirmed that a case of business robbery has been opened at Honeydew SAPS. WO Jacobs confirmed there were three suspects, two of whom entered the shop at 11am and carried pistols. The shop assistants were ordered to go to the back of the store and were tied up. An undisclosed number of cellphones were stolen and the suspects escaped in a white vehicle.

Broll property management, who is in charge of the centre, could not give comment at time of publication.

Details: Honeydew SAPS, 011 801 8400.

Willie Rheeder from Healthy Hearing saw two suspects escape from Town Square.
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