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Serial killers on the loose?

Many say they are too scared to travel alone, go to local shopping centres at night and even leave their homes.

Three murders within three weeks with alarming similarities have Krugersdorpers locking themselves in their homes, fearing that a serial killer is on the loose.

However, this morning (1 June) police spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst told Jacaranda FM’s Complimentary Breakfast presenters that they cannot confirm whether the murders of Anthony Scholefield on 10 May, Kevin McAlpine on 26 May and Hanle Lategan on 30 May are the work of a serial killer.

The circumstances surrounding the Scholefield and McAlpine murders are disturbingly similar while Lategan’s murder left a few more stones unturned and police still scratching their heads.

The chairperson of the executive committee of the Krugersdorp Community Policing Forums, Gert Jonker told Jacaranda FM that police need to put experts on these cases.

“These are no ordinary murders and a specialised task team should be put together as soon as possible.”

In the meantime social media have exploded with residents of Krugersdorp posting that they fear for their lives.

Many say they are too scared to travel alone, go to local shopping centres at night and even leave their homes.

For now, the message is quite clear – keep yourself and your family safe, and if you are a sales representative, estate agent, broker or even a client liaison officer, make sure that when you make an appointment to see someone that you apply additional safety measures.

The News has compiled infographics of the three murders and their similarities:

3 murders in 3 weeks graphic (Medium)

Do you agree with the police? Is it safe to say that there is no serial killer on the loose? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below.


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