
Honeydew Police teach domestic workers about safety

RANDPARK RIDGE – Domestic workers warned to keep vigilant while at work.

Honeydew Police and Community Policing Forum visited Randpark Ridge domestic workers and educated them on safety while they are busy with their duties.

Honeydew Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs said, “Homeowners are kindly requested to talk to their domestic staff about safety. They should also make all emergency phone numbers available for their staff.”

Tips for domestic workers:

• When you are alone at home cleaning/working, make sure that all the doors and windows are closed and locked.

• Do not allow anyone onto the property before confirming with the homeowner that they are expected, for instance, electricians, meter readers, Telkom etc.

• Do not go out to the gate when someone presses the intercom button or calls; rather talk over the intercom or through a window from inside the house.

• Be careful when you put out or fetch rubbish bins. Look around for any suspicious people and close the gate immediately.

• Be careful when you are hanging up or bringing in washing as suspects can jump over the wall and attack you. Be quick when you are outside and go back into the house and lock the door again.

• Do not leave keys in the doors or security gates.

• If there is a panic button, carry it at all times, preferably where it is not visible.

• Make sure you always know an emergency number and your address in case of an emergency.

• Do not trust anyone and do not give out any information about the property or your employers.

Details: Police emergency phone number, 011 801 8613/4/5.

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