Skyrocketing prices: Have your say

What are you going to do to save money?

Consumers will have to tighten their belts as the economic outlook is bleak.

May will see the price of petrol increase by around 18c/litre and economists are predicting the price of red meat will rise by between 50 and 60 per cent. Add to this the negative affect of the drought on the price of fresh produce in general, and it definitely means fewer cents in your pocket.

The Record spoke to few residents to find out how they would combat skyrocketing prices.

Marietjie Taylor said she has to bargain hunt and can not just walk into a store and buy the first item. She also buys meat in bulk. Furthermore the geyser gets switched off and washing is done only once a week to save on water.

Minette Marais said she does bargain hunting and shops where she gets rewarded for her loyalty. She and her husband also find that budgeting on a weekly basis instead of monthly helps. They have not cut out social excursions completely but it has to fit into their weekly budget.

Elize Greyling and her husband have switched to solar power to save money. She also prefers to shop where she gets loyalty points and the family now rather socialises at home.

Jan Jooste said he bargain hunts and chooses the cheaper brand. He also tries not to drive around unnecessarily.

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