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MUST READ: Woman attacked and stabbed, suspect arrested

RADIOKOP – A woman was stabbed in her stomach and arms during an attack.

A suspect has been arrested after allegedly mugging and stabbing a woman at the intersection of Paul Kruger and John Vorster roads.

At about 7.30am on 18 April, Londoloza Protection Group received an alert about a woman being mugged in that area.

According to head of TRT at Londoloza, Shane Theunissen, “We immediately dispatched our tactical response team [TRT] to the scene and upon arrival the suspect fled into a nearby complex.”

Theunissen explained that the complex was secured by Londoloza and the suspect gained entry when a gardener went outside. The team searched the complex and found the suspect hiding behind dustbins in the refuse area.

“The woman sustained serious stab wounds to her abdomen area and arms, she was treated on scene and then rushed to hospital,” added Theunissen.

Honeydew SAPS arrived on scene after being alerted to the incident by Londoloza.

Honeydew SAPS spokesperson Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs confirmed that a case of attempted murder has been opened and that the 58-year0old suspect has been arrested.

WO Jacobs could not confirm the mugging as the victim was unable to make a statement as she was transported to hospital.

Details: Honeydew SAPS, 011 801 8604.

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