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Hijacking Update: The latest on the family

Hijacker laughed on the scene.

The community is baying for the blood of the hijackers of Marilize Bright and her three children.

 During the hijacking her son, Damian, was ejected from the vehicle. Someone believed to know the family wrote on Facebook on Saturday that Marilize, her son Damian and daughter Abigail are still in critical condition. Her baby, Marinique has been discharged from hospital. Damian allegedly has blood on the brain while Marilize suffers from a broken pelvis and has nine broken ribs of which one has punctured her lung. She also has multiple head injuries. These reports could not be confirmed though.
On Saturday parents and teachers at Laerskool Horison gathered on the pavillion to pray for the family.
Meanwhile one of the residents who chased after the hijackers, Steve van Eeden, spoke to the Record about the ordeal.
“Me and my teenage daughter was about to cross Louise Botha Avenue when the hijacked vehicle crashed into an Apcan Security vehicle in front of us. At this stage I did not know that it was a hijacking in progress and when the hijackers sped off I thought they were just trying to flee the accident scene. I decided to follow them to at least get their registration when they lost control of the vehicle, hit the island and then crash into the bakkie and caravan,” said Van Eeden.
“I stopped about 50m away and instructed my daughter to lock the doors. When the three hijackers got out of the car I realised something serious was going on. Me and an Apcan Security reaction officer arrested two of the hijackers but a third managed to escape. He was later recaptured,” continued van Eeden.
“I then checked if the woman was alright and because she was conscious I immediately checked on the children and the baby. The paramedics on the scene, as well as Apcan Security were amazing.
“The moment that made me the angriest is when bystanders asked one of the hijackers why they did not just take the car. He just laughed at us,” concluded an angry Van Eeden.
An unlicensed firearm that was found in the vehicle, was broken in two due to the high impact.

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