Become a force to reckoned with

STRUBEN'S VALLEY – Hirsch's hosts a hugely educational Health and Wellness day.

Hirsch’s Struben’s Valley celebrated World Health Day with a self-defence class for women, which was held at their home store.

The class was opened by Hirsch’s public relations officer, Raquel Holdsworth who welcomed the ladies to an informative day of health. She went on to introduce the women to Jump Stretch director, Pierre Assor who shared with them important elements to know when in a dangerous situation. The certified fitness trainer and coach said that there are four systems of situational awareness. He divulged that they are categorised into four colours: white, yellow, orange and red.

“White is the most dangerous physical state, when you are unaware of your surroundings and which will make you vulnerable to attack,” said Assor. He went on to explain that the yellow system means that you have identified something and can now gauge whether it’s a threat or not. The orange system means you are alert and ready to react. While the red means that you have now entered into defensive mindset and you know exactly what you are going to do to neutralise the situation.

He divulged to the women that perpetrators dominate with fear. “In any dangerous encounter, your body reacts with fear, but your body is also one of your best weapons,” explained Assor. He demonstrated to the women some nifty self-defence moves that they were able to use on each other. “Your entire body is a weapon, it is designed to protect you,” said Assor. He illustrated defence moves that any one could do and that would leave any perpetrator disorientated giving you enough time to run or call for help.

He concluded by explaining that adrenaline is naturally released when you are in danger. The only difference between your release of it and a perpetrator’s release of it, is that theirs is self stimulated.

Details: Hirsch’s Struben’s Valley, or 011 858 4600; Jump Stretch, or 082 549 4092.

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