Honeydew CPF updates community

HONEYDEW – Find out what is happening at the Honeydew CPF.

The Honeydew Community Policing Forum (CPF) connects residents with the police in their community.

The Honeydew CPF ‘s primary objective is to promote a partnership between the community and the local police and to create an environment that will promote effective local policing that is user-friendly and able to measure up to SAPS requirements.

Honeydew CPF public relations officer Jon Rosenberg commented that crime has dropped this year in the Honeydew precinct, but there are still particular crimes that affect different areas. As a CPF together with SAPS, and in some cases local security companies, they are continuing with crime awareness campaigns in an attempt to educate residents.

Rosenberg added, “One of the crimes that continues at an unacceptable level is theft out of motor vehicles, and to this end we are specifically talking to people.” The CPF have tackled information dissemination practically by handing out pamphlets at shopping centres and gyms in an effort to reduce crimes such as the fore-mentioned crime. This has been highlighted on so many previous occasions, and yet residents still leave laptops and valuables on the seat of their cars when going to the shops, gym, or dropping their children at school, explained Rosenberg.

The CPF encourage residents strongly to make sure they have checked that their vehicle’s doors are locked by physically checking as it will prevent cases of car jamming. Community members are also encouraged to get a security guard if they are having a function at home and cars are parked outside, as well as ensuring that they are given a panic button.

Among their crime awareness campaigns the CPF in conjuction with Honeydew SAPS, have had three very successful talks at local primary schools, and dates have been set for this to continue. Domestic Watch training will continue, and due to time constraints for the SAPS members, many will be conducted by the CPF in conjunction with resident’s associations and security companies.

According to Rosenberg, an ever increasing problem is that of displaced people sleeping in City parks and green belts. “It is a problem that Government needs to deal with by providing proper shelters for these people,” added Rosenberg. Residents also encourage them to be in our area by persisting in feeding them, giving them money, or clothing. While one feels desperately sorry for them, helping them only increases the numbers in our area.

The annual Fun Run, see some last year’s run here, is being planned again for later in the year, and this helps towards much-needed funding of the CPF office. “Not too many people are aware of the fact that the CPF offers a free counseling service to victims of crime, and this is funded by donations from the public, and resident’s associations,” said Rosenberg, as a result they are requesting local business to come forward and assist in this regard.

Details: Honeydew CPF, 011 801 8576 / 7.

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