UPDATE: Turmoil in Zandspruit

ZANDSPRUIT – Police have closed down Beyers Naudé Drive at Johan Street, Peter Road and Marina Street.

Residents are burning tyres, cutting down traffic lights and causing chaos on all the roads surrounding Zandspruit Informal Settlement and Honeydew Plot 52.

Residents have barricaded Beyers Naudé Drive at the informal settlement section and police are monitoring on the other side.

Some of the protesters were seen digging up electricity cables from the traffic lights.

The rampage started early this morning at 2am when violent and aggressive protesters ransacked a Total garage on Marina Street.

This was in reaction to Eskom cutting down all illegal connections in the settlement. Some of the aggressive protesters threw stones at Caxton journalists who wanted to highlight their plight, and chased them away when they came near.

Honeydew Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs explained that they have deployed extra manpower from the JMPD to assist in controlling and directing the traffic as some of the roads are closed. “It is chaos here, we have now closed the corner of Marina Street and South Africa Drive leading to Cosmo City,” she said.

Meanwhile JMPD have issued a statement on its Facebook page warning motorists to avoid Beyers Naudé Drive.

The post read: “Warning! Beyers Naudé drive is closed off to traffic between Johan Rd and Peter Rd, Honeydew due to rocks and burning tyres which were placed onto roadway by protesters from Zandspruit informal settlement. Motorists can use N14, Hendrick Potgieter Rd as an alternative route. JMPD and SAPS on site.”

More to follow on this developing story

Details: Honeydew Police 011 801 8604.

Related articles:

NEWS JUST IN: Chaos in Zandspruit 

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