
Funds needed for little boy

mari rheeder, panorama primary, jayden visser, skin disease, funds, biopsy, blisters, pain

Jayden Visser (7) a Grade 1 pupil from Panorama Primary School in Weltevreden Park should be able to run around with friends and be a carefree little boy, but because of an unknown skin disease, this is not always possible.

Leigh Todd, a Grade 2 teacher at the school made it her mission to take Jayden under her wing and raise funds for his medical expenses. According to Todd, Jayden was adopted by a loving mother who unfortunately is not able to take care of his medical expenses. Due to difficulties with his birth, Jayden was left with an unknown disease that causes painful blisters all over his body. Jayden and his mother moved to Johannesburg from Durban in January as the air and certain plant types worsens his condition.

A special cream helps Jayden's pain for now, but a more permanent solution is needed.
A special cream helps Jayden’s pain for now, but a more permanent solution is needed.

According to Todd, Jayden would cry at school, because of the blisters. She added that the teachers had to carry him around as it would be too sore if the blisters touched each other. “I one day noticed red blood spots on his shirt and rushed him to the dermatologist. The teachers pitched in money to buy a cream that helps with the pain,” said Todd. She added that the dermatologist explained that Jayden would need a skin, glands and liver biopsy to determine what the problem is.

“With the cream Jayden was able to sleep through for the first time without pain on Friday night,” said Todd. Funds will however, be needed to take Jayden to a specialist for the biopsy as well as to be able to buy the cream. Todd said that the school will host a fun day on 11 March in order to raise money for him.

Jayden’s mother, Justine Visser said that she is in complete disbelief that the school has been so helpful to her son. “I appreciate all the kindness and support,” said Visser. She thanked all the teachers and Panorama Primary School.

If you’d like to provide assistance, contact Leigh Todd.

Details: Leigh Todd, 082 443 6239.

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