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Blood for beer

RADIOKOP – O'Hagan's Rock Cottage works together with the South African Blood Service to encourage residents to donate blood.

O’Hagan’s Rock Cottage along with the South African National Blood Service hosted a blood drive on 6 February at O’Hagan’s Rock Cottage in Radiokop.

O’Hagan’s Rock Cottage women’s club member Meagan Adriaanzen said there is a blood drive every 56 days with a target to meet. “Today our target is to reach 80 pints where blood donors receive a free beer or cold drink. The response from the community has been great,” said Adriaanzen.

She encouraged people to donate blood because of the serious need for it. “I had an illness where I needed blood and was fortunate enough to have blood that had been donated to help me. If I did not receive blood I would have taken longer to recover,” described Adriaanzen.

Northcliff resident, Gary Schutjes said he has been donating blood all of his life and so far he has donated 100 pints of blood. He viewed the pint of beer as a bonus because he also gets to save lives with his donation.

South African National Blood Service public relations officer Lebo Seatlholo said that from one unit of blood, three products can be made: red blood cells, plasma blood cells and platelets.

“The type of blood given to patients depends on the condition they have. Blood that is donated goes through an extensive process before it reaches patients. It is taken to the SANBS lab to be tested in order to determine if it is suitable. After it has been processed it is taken to blood banks that are located at some hospitals. From that point it is ready to be allocated to patients,” explained Seatlholo.

She listed the requirements of a blood donor:

  • Be 16 to 65 years old
  • Weigh 50kg or more
  • Lead a sexually-safe lifestyle
  • Consider your blood safe for transfusion to a patient.

Details: SANBS, 080 001 2322.

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