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Phobias: What are you afraid of?

RANDPARK RIDGE – Phobias develop as a result of many reasons. They need to be treated in order to not affect one's daily life.

Phobias have the ability to effect every part of your daily life, if not treated correctly. Dr Nelmarie Boshoff, a counselling psychologist in Randpark Ridge, advises people to seek treatment if a phobia causes severe anxiety.

Dr Boshoff said that she had to deal with many common phobias in her profession. These include a fear of needles, flying, germs, fear of public speaking, claustrophobia, spiders and snakes. Apart from these phobias, some strange phobias have also come to her attention. Ailurophobia or gatophobia is the fear of cats. Ranidaphobia is a fear of frogs and mottephobia is a fear of moths.

“You need to seek treatment if your phobia is causing you intense and disabling fear, anxiety and panic,” said Dr Boshoff. She further explained that if these phobias interfere with your daily life to such an extent that you cannot perform your daily duties, you should seek help. “You should consider seeking treatment if the phobia is related to a traumatic event in the past. For example, if you have developed claustrophobia after being in a car accident,” said Dr Boshoff.

There are many reasons for a phobia to develop. According to Dr Boshoff, a traumatic event could instill a fear, for example if you were chased by a dog. If a person observed a traumatic event that happened to someone else, it could also cause a phobia. “If a child sees his mom being afraid of a spider, it could instil a fear or if a person is taught by others to be afraid,” said Dr Boshoff. She added that a person could also have no memory or recall of how the fear developed.

According to Dr Boshoff, treatments for phobias could include psychotherapy, medication or both, but it depends on the phobia and how it developed. “In some cases, medication such as anti-anxiety medication can help the person to feel less anxious,” said Dr Boshoff.

She explained that medication can lessen the anxiety, but not address the root of the problem. “Psychotherapy is a very effective method. Some therapies include cognitive behavior therapy, exposure therapy, relaxation techniques and hypnosis,” concluded Dr Boshoff.

Details: Doctor Nelmarie Boshoff, 079 749 3700.

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