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Shootout between guards and robbers

FEATHERBROOKE – One suspect was arrested while others are still at large.

Muldersdrift Police confirmed that one suspect was arrested, following an armed robbery on the evening of 31 January at the Feather Square Convenience Centre KwikSpar.

Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Hitler Ngwenya said they are investigating an incident of armed robbery. “We are still looking for other suspects. Apparently there were six suspects, according to the complainant,” he said.

He concluded that there were no any injuries reported and that police have confiscated the robbers’ vehicle for further investigations.

According to the SRT security company, a shoot-out occurred between security guards and suspects at around 10 pm. This after an off-duty SRT guard noticed that a guard at the Spar was being held hostage by armed robbers.

SRT operations manager Maggie Bezuidenhout said the guard activated his panic button and other guards responded to the scene. “Some of the armed robbers started firing at the off-duty SRT officer and our client. Both of them returned fire,” she explained.

She further indicated that the robbers tried to get away but the response officer and their client disabled their vehicle with gunfire.

“Two SRT response vehicles provided support as well as SAPS and other security companies. A manhunt was launched for the robbers,” she continued.

She concluded that the robbers’ vehicle was secured for fingerprints and police secured the crime scene for further investigation.

Details: SRT Company, 011 053 6281; Muldersdrift SAPS, 011 952 4641.

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