South Africa can do better than this – Maimane

The DA (Democratic Alliance) took to the streets of Johannesburg on 27 January marching for jobs in SA. Mmusi Maimane, DA leader, gave a speech at the end of the march and touched on some controversial issues the DA feels the current government has been slacking on. Maimane mimicked President Jacob Zuma when he said …

The DA (Democratic Alliance) took to the streets of Johannesburg on 27 January marching for jobs in SA.

Mmusi Maimane, DA leader, gave a speech at the end of the march and touched on some controversial issues the DA feels the current government has been slacking on.

Maimane mimicked President Jacob Zuma when he said that when he is asked about employment in SA he would say “hehe.”

The DA leader touched on education issues that lead to unemployment, that all South Africans are entitled to equal private education and an equal chance to opportunities.

“We are here today because we believe that the hope for our nation – that the only way out of poverty – is always through a job,” said Maimane.

“Your days are numbered,” Maimane said to the current government. The issue comes with South Africans being stuck with tertiary qualifications, at a dead-end with no jobs. The DA leader also mentioned that as South Africans we cannot say that we are free when there are 8.4 million people unemployed. He said that SA once had a generation of leaders who fought against Apartheid. It was a cause that united them, and together they achieved the freedom to vote. “Today a new generation of South Africans must continue this fight for freedom. We must unite in tackling the next chapter as we fight for the opportunity to work,” he added.

Maimane said that people are paying more for food and transport. Throughout the country, people have been telling him that it is getting more difficult to find work. Even those with jobs feel unsure about their future and they worry for their families, “South Africa can do better than this, we are angry that so many of our people are unemployed, when we know they don’t have to be,” he said.

Maimane said that creating jobs must be our next national cause because our entire country’s future is at risk. We cannot build a prosperous future for South Africa when millions of people are excluded and have no hope and no sense of belonging. He concluded saying that people are losing hope in the government.

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Zuma to blame for lack of jobs – Maimane


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