GALLERY: Top achievers in school sports

ROODEPOORT – These are the hardworking, successful and award-winning pupils in sport.

There were plenty of achievements in school sports that were noted during the course of this year.

Different schools celebrated the athletics achievements of their pupils, who helped to fly their flags high.

Few pupils who excelled in their sports activities are highlighted as part of the round-up for 2015.

Below are few top achievers from schools sport around Roodepoort.

In June, Layla Norman the ultimate top student awarded with prestigious top honour blazer.

This is the Maragon Private Schools’ highest award.

It is given in recognition to a pupil who receives three full colours in three of the five pillars at Maragon.

The five pillars include, academics, culture, sport, leadership and outreach.

Layla achieved three full colours in sport, academics and service.

Allen Glen High School became the district champs after beating Princess High School in June.

In August Maragon Private Schools’ pupil Kaitlin Rheeder (10) came first in gymnastics for Central Gauteng.

The Grade 4 pupil made her mark at the Central Gauteng Championships at the Matsport Centre in Pretoria.

August marked an exceptional season for Panorama Primary School soccer boys.

The school enjoyed the winning season this year, as 80 per cent of all league games played were won. The highlight of their season was the Knockout Cup played over May and June. Five sides entered the competition from age groups between U9 to U13. The U11s, U12s and U13s were able to win the finals in their respective age groups.

In September, a Maragon Private Schools pupil Megan Jacobs was selected to represent SA in ISKF World Cup.

Jacobs has been chosen to represent South Africa in the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) World Cup in 2016.

The competition will take place from 20 – 21 August 2016 in Cape Town.

This followed her March victory where she triumphed in both Kata and Kumite U15 brown/black belt division at the Gauteng North Provincial Tournament.

The King’s School West Rand in September shone when they won the D12 Big School’s Hockey League for the first time ever.

Trinityhouse Little Falls in September won its first athletics event.

The pupils David Machika and Mtha Nombida crossed the finish line first, claiming their victory.

This victory ensured that the school be placed in a higher league for the season in 2016.

In October, Brandon Weir (12) raised the bar by winning at the Junior Africa Challenge at the Zebula Golf Estate.

The win gained him an entry into the Malaysian Junior Championships taking place this December, the European Junior Championships to be held in May 2016 in Scotland and the World Teen Championships taking place in July 2016 at Pinehurst, USA.

Peter Diesel, the Panorama FC player won the championship during the Safa U10/U12 tournament in October.

12 Soccer champions including Diesel were selected from 500 young players at the Rand Central Local Football Association (RCLFA) districts U10 team played in the Safa Johannesburg U10/12 tournament.

In November, Trinityhouse Little Falls High School produced top achievers.

Brother and sister, Todd and Amy Fisher did exceptionally well in sailing.

Amy (16) came first in provincials for being a skipper in sailing. She also did well in inter-high swimming and made it to Prestige.

Todd (17) became the second-time national champion in sailing, and double Protea sailor, and will be going to the International Sailing Federation for the second time where he will be representing SA in Malaysia from December to January.

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