What’s needed for a first-aid kit?

JOBURG – ER24 gives a breakdown of what is needed for a first-aid kit.

ER24 said it is important to always ensure you have a first aid kit available – whether you are travelling, spending time with your friends, driving on holiday or just having a braai with family.

Here are some guidelines of what you will need for a fully equipped first-aid kit:

Although this is very basic, you can still add your own items to the bag. It is important to remember to label your personal medication should you pack it in your first aid kit.

Here are a few guidelines regarding your first aid kit:

Some of the most common injuries sustained while on holiday can range from a minor scrape to a deep cut. Should you be faced with a situation where a person sustains a deep cut and is bleeding profusely, apply direct pressure with a clean cloth or bandage and seek medical help. Do not pour any liquid or cream into the wound. You can rinse the wound with clean water if needed.

Burn wounds are also very common and it is advised that you only use an approved burn dressing. Do not apply any cream, butter, toothpaste or any other substance onto the burn. Rinse the affected area with cool clean water. Should the burn be severe and forms blisters or where the skin is peeling, seek medical help immediately.

Be prepared and know the number of the local emergency service or speed dial should you stay in a hotel or lodge. You can find out from the reception what the local emergency number is. Should you be faced with any medical incident where you are unsure of what to do, you can contact ER24’s National Emergency Contact Centre on 084 124 from any telephone or cellular phone and ask the emergency call taker for advice. The medical team will evaluate the situation and give you advice on what to do or dispatch the closest ambulance to you.

You can also buy a first aid kit from ER24 or your local pharmacy. For more information visit ER24’s website on www.er24.co.za. The website said you should check your kit regularly and replace missing and finished items or medicines that may have expired.

The website said to ensure you place the first-aid kit in your checked-in luggage if you are flying somewhere as many of the items won’t be permitted in your carry-on bags.


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