Pupils are pepper-sprayed after Matric exam

ALEN’S NEK – Beagle Watch customer relations manager insists they were called by the school to supervise unruly pupils.

Allen Glen High School  Grade 12 pupils were allegedly pepper-sprayed after writing their Afrikaans exam paper on 28 October.

The debacle transpired after the school allegedly contacted the security reaction group, Beagle Watch to supervise the unruly pupils.

This incident only started when pupils sought to get their possessions from the school’s lockers which they initially left there prior to writing their exams.

According to one of the pupils (who would not be named because she is a minor), they were denied access to their possession from the lockers. These included their school bags, in which, they had car keys, cellphones as well as house keys.

“We were instructed to leave the school premises immediately after the exam. When we appealed to the Beagle Watch guards, they told us to vacate the school and stopped us from going to the other section of the school, where the lockers are situated,” explained the pupil.

This is where the fight between the pupils and the guards escalated.

“Beagle watch threatened to shoot a pupil and hit a girl and nearly blinded at least three students with pepper spray,” one pupil explained.

She further explained that other pupils were very upset and approached the guards who then pulled them.

“Some pupils were infuriated and walked straight to the guards. Teachers started shouting at us and told us that they sent text messages that we will not be using school lockers anymore,” she said.

Another pupil complained that the guards started fighting with pupils and allegedly pepper-sprayed them and pointed guns at them. “We were treated like criminals and the boys got angry and one guard tried to hit the boys. They also threatened to shoot us” she explained.

Beagle Watch customer relations manager Anne Wood explained that their guards were called by the school to maintain order as pupils were fighting with teachers.

“Our guards were there to supervise and ensure that pupils get their belongings, but they started fighting with one of our guards who then responded by pepper-spraying them,” Wood said.

Chairperson of the School Governing Body (SGB) Warren Mackrill said he could not comment as “We [the school] are investigating the matter.”

The Gauteng Department of Education acknowledged the media enquiry and is yet to respond.

Details: Beagle Watch 011 678 1972. Allen Glen High SGB 076 489 4598.

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